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Everything posted by AE

  1. Superb second half. Whatever happens this season they have made us so proud after last year.
  2. Had a bad feeling all day…. Think this is going to be a bad day for us…, hoping to be proven wrong
  3. Wonder if Chelsea will be held financially accountable. If not Newcastle, City and …. (If they get sold to oil) will become untouchable
  4. Mid table finish and no European football? Would hit us financially but might it be a blessing next season?
  5. We ain’t going to get champions league and FSG are not going to invest. This thread is a fantasy one. We are going to be shopping in the bargain basement again this summer and selling to spend.
  6. &£@£ knows. That is the worry
  7. There needs to be a back room shake up. Not Jurgen, but those around him.
  8. We could argue the same for our two new forwards as well to be fair.
  9. How many we really got on the pitch today? Robbo? Who else? Ali?
  10. Who does the day in day coaching? Klopp? Or is he also being let down by those around him?
  11. I do not want him to go, but you start to worry if Jurgen’s time is over. We are awful ATM
  12. I just seriously hope the club does not have the stupidity to release a season end DVD for this one.
  13. Nope. League yes. Top 4 not yet
  14. No. Low in confidence and not playing well. We get a couple of wins and things will change.
  15. We will get totally stuffed in that game
  16. Has Mane leaving really messed us up this much? I think the mistake has been not to refresh the midfield sooner. We look totally shot and it is only September.
  17. Number of games and intensity of it. I think the slow start is a hangover of that. Not so much the fact we came close and lost out. More the quick turn around after the number of games.
  18. I think it is contributing to our slow start. we will improve, but the longer this goes on the harder that top 4 spot becomes. We have an “easy” game next that week have to win now. Otherwise we are in a crisis
  19. Something is seriously wrong this season. Hanover from last year maybe, but 7 points behind Arsenal after 3 games. you cannot win the league by Christmas but you can sure as heck be out if the running.
  20. Had a bad feeling about tonight all day, but I did expect us to at least show up.
  21. Got ours Saturday - perfect timing. Really like the simplicity of it.
  22. He will give them 15 minutes then make changes. Players look like they have bought into all the c**p in the press and think they just needed to turn up. Fair play to them. Now we see what our players truly are made of.
  23. Idiot commentators. Great tackle when you do not touch the ball. That was a pen. No VAR today? we playing against 12 men again?
  24. Something not right in the midfield. We are not going to challenge City or Chelsea like this.
  25. Totally gutted to read this news. Never knew or met Vic, but in 20+ years of being on these forums he was always a poster I greatly respected. Hope you are now at peace.
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