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By fans, for fans. By fans, for fans. By fans, for fans.

(NE) Quote Enhancements 2.2.5

£15 · Renewal Term: £6/year

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About This File

Application which:

  • extends the ignoring of posts to the quoted versions of those posts.
  • provides admin control over the truncation functionality of quotes, allowing the quote to be fully expanded regardless of length or to reduce the number of lines displayed in the truncated quote

Note: this application takes the data-ipsquote-userid value from a quote, and uses this to look up whether that user is ignored by the viewer. If no value exists then no lookup can be performed, and therefore it cannot be determined if the user is being ignored. This situation is most likely to occur with quotes that pre-date your upgrade to IPS 4.x from IPB 3.x or earlier.

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