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(NE) Quick Escape 1.4.0

£11.25 · Renewal Term: £4.50/year

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About This File

This application will allow you to put a "Quick Escape" button in place on your site.

What is a "Quick Escape" button?

A "Quick Escape" button is a tool which allows the user to quickly close the web page they are currently on, replacing it with a configured site, and also opening a new tab/window with another configured site displayed. This functionality is commonly used on support sites related to violence, bullying or other sensitive topics that people may need to close quickly for reasons of privacy.


  1. Admin configurable settings, applied globally to configured groups
  2. Optional setting to allow those configured group to control their own version of the settings
  3. User can click a button to open the 2 configured pages, or press the 'Esc' or 'Ctrl' keys to quickly redirect the existing page only
  4. Widget available to allow placing of the button in widget areas on the site, regardless of user-configuration.


Changelog up to, and including, v1.4.0






  • added support for using the "Ctrl" keys instead of/as well as the "Esc" key.
    • allows checking for left, right or both keys.
  • added setting to allow presenting a confirmation prompt prior to opening sites
    • this is only used when pressing the Esc/Ctrl keys, as they may be accidental actions (clicking the 'Leave' button is a more deliberate action therefore the confirmation prompt isn't a necessity in that case)


  • fixed issue where the "Enable 'Esc' key" user account setting would appear enabled even though it had been disabled by the user.
  • fixed issue where the "Functionality available for these groups" -> "Groups" setting may not save correctly if choosing groups.
  • fixed issue where the "User controls" -> "Allow users to configure their own settings" setting may not save correctly if choosing groups.
  • fixed issue where the 'Leave' button may be visible but non-functional for members of groups not allow to use the functionality.


  • minor language string updates.





    • "Allow these groups to enter their own site URLs" setting did not save correctly if no option chosen
    • "Site URLs" ACP controller didn't have a title
    • "User URLs" ACP controller didn't have a title
    • Account settings would fail to load if no site URLs were configured and user was required to choose a URL (as opposed to manually type a URL) by the "Allow these groups to enter their own site URLs" setting
    • In user account settings, added a 'None' option to the "Site to open in new tab/window" setting to allow users to NOT select a URL.
    • Minor language string updates
  • NEW
    • Added ability to delete configured URLs, via the "Site URLs" ACP controller
      • if a URL is deleted but has been chosen by a user, the user's setting will be updated to change the URL to the default configured in the application's settings
    • Added ability to delete a user's chosen settings, via the "User URLs" ACP controller


    • Resolved some missing language strings, relating to ACP restrictions
    • Minor language string changes on app settings in ACP
    • User account settings modified to allow either a free-form field for the user's chosen URLs (previous behaviour) or a select box of 'allowed' site URLS, controlled via the ACP
  • NEW
    • ACP functionality added to allow administrators to add allowed URLs to the listing (ACP restriction available to allow access to this)
    • ACP functionality added to allow administrators to view/edit URLs used by members (ACP restriction available to allow access to this)

Use-case for above functionality being added

A malicious user, permitted to add a free-form URL to their account settings, could make it appear (via video recording) as if the site itself is configured to redirect users to a malicious/embarrassing site. Forcing a specific list of URLs, and being able to view/edit existing added URLs allows administrators to monitor for this.






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