Paid Applications/Plugins
- These are resources that have been available on the Invision Marketplace
- These resources are intended for use only on the indicated versions of Invision Community Suite.
They are compatible with PHP 8.0 & 8.1
- It should be assumed that they are not compatible with earlier versions of PHP unless indicated.
35 files
£18.75Allows you to apply extra control over the oembed functionality provided by the IPS core
allows group level control over which remote sites members of a group are allowed to embed. allows group level control for automatically embedding internal IPS links. provides you the ability to add other remote oembed sources which are not yet supported by IPS, such as provides a 'catch-all' for other sites, via iframely integration Note:
support does not include assisting you with researching whether a site supports oembed or not. Google, or the site itself, will be your friend in that situation I will assist with questions on implementation after you have researched, but I won't do the research for you.1 -
£11.25This application will allow you to put a "Quick Escape" button in place on your site.
What is a "Quick Escape" button?
A "Quick Escape" button is a tool which allows the user to quickly close the web page they are currently on, replacing it with a configured site, and also opening a new tab/window with another configured site displayed. This functionality is commonly used on support sites related to violence, bullying or other sensitive topics that people may need to close quickly for reasons of privacy.
Admin configurable settings, applied globally to configured groups Optional setting to allow those configured group to control their own version of the settings User can click a button to open the 2 configured pages, or press the 'Esc' or 'Ctrl' keys to quickly redirect the existing page only Widget available to allow placing of the button in widget areas on the site, regardless of user-configuration.
Changelog up to, and including, v1.4.0
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£15Application which:
extends the ignoring of posts to the quoted versions of those posts. provides admin control over the truncation functionality of quotes, allowing the quote to be fully expanded regardless of length or to reduce the number of lines displayed in the truncated quote Note: this application takes the data-ipsquote-userid value from a quote, and uses this to look up whether that user is ignored by the viewer. If no value exists then no lookup can be performed, and therefore it cannot be determined if the user is being ignored. This situation is most likely to occur with quotes that pre-date your upgrade to IPS 4.x from IPB 3.x or earlier.
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£15Application which allows administrators to selectively disable signatures from being displayed in specific clubs, categories, forums, sub-forums or topics.
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£15Provides the ability to schedule future "Site Offline" events.
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£7.50This resource will allow you to have a different theme displayed when viewing a member's profile, based on a configured list of user account and/or a specific group, allowing you to display a "Memoriam" version of your theme if you wish.
This is something I never even thought that I would make, and I really wish I didn't make it.
On the evening of 18th October 2021 news reached me that Vic, a member of this site, had taken his own life. But Vic wasn't just a member of the site - he was one of the earliest people involved as a member, and eventually joined the team of 'Owners' of the site too.
Vic was brilliant, simple as that. You can read more about him over on the site if you wish, or you can watch him in full flow here
Any money made as a result of selling this resource will be donated to a charity which Vic supported:
Sports Against Racism Ireland (SARI)
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a new and vastly improved application called "(NE) Content Translator" is currently in active development. It is a complete redesign of the features provided by "(NE) Translate", and you can see some of the additional features it will have here existing customers will be automatically provided a purchase of the new version upon release, at the same renewal terms at which they purchased the original resource.
Here's what this resource does:
Shows a 'Translate' link/menu below the content in Forum/Calendar/Pages* * "Pages" will require a manual action by the admin to add something to the 'Display' template(s) for their database. Uses Google's Cloud Translation REST API (Basic) or DeepL's Translator API (before purchasing this application, please ensure that you are aware that there are potential further costs involved in the use of these APIs - & are the specific links to refer to on this) You, the Admin, can choose from the list of the API's supported languages and make those available to the user for use (would be a good idea - Google supports approximately 100 target languages while DeepL currently supports 28 target languages If you choose to display one language for use, then a single link is available to the user But if you choose more than one language then a menu will appear listing the configured available languages. You can also choose who can see the translate option. When a language is selected, the content will be sent to the configured API using REST, translated and returned. The returned translation will be processed and the content will be replaced. Additionally, each translation is stored in the database so that further translation requests for the same content are pulled from there instead of being translated via the API. If the original content is edited then any translations stored in the database will be discarded, ensuring that any further translation requests do not provide an out-of-date translation, and always translate the current content. Functionality exists to allow you to view the translations in the ACP and refine the translation if you so wish. Translations can be 'protected' so that the editing action above doesn't discard the translation - useful if you have refined the translation and wish to retain that refinement In this case, if an edit is performed then a clear indication will be displayed in the ACP advising that the translation is out-of-date due to the original content being edited. The user can revert to the original content at any time by clicking a link to do so. Usage logs are available in the ACP for each translation request, so you can see basic information about requests made from your site out to the APIs (both of which have their own console available which provides detailed usage information), along with requests made to content saved in the database. Here's what it doesn't do
It does not translate your entire site at the flick of a switch. If that is something you are seeking then you would have to implement your own Google Translate functionality on your site ( Translation of content at the time of display, as opposed to a user choice Why? Translation is performed via a REST API request - each item of content in a topic, for example, would need to be sent to the API. In a topic with multiple posts then this will mean up to 25 REST API requests being performed to display each page of the topic. That is going to result in a performance hit, and is not something I am willing to put in place at this time. Will it be a future feature? No. The application's settings contain instructions on how to do the following:
Configure a Google Cloud API key Configure a DeepL Translator API key Manually add the application's HTML template to your database's 'Display' templates6 -
£15Application which allows you to apply random 'annoyances' to your annoying users. Options are:
Show a blank page Show site as offline Show page not found error Delay page loading Redirect to another url Each of the above has a % chance of happening, configured by you - and you can configure different behaviour on a per-user basis.
Changelog up to, and including, v1.4.1
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£15This application provides an area in the ACP where you can:
view users who are ignoring someone clicking on the user entry will provide a listing of who they are ignoring, and what they have chosen to ignore. view users who are being ignored by someone clicking on the user entry will provide a listing of who is ignoring them, and what they have chosen to ignore.
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£11.25Currently, all configured word filters are effective for everyone unless the user happens to be in a group with the "Bypass word and link filters?" setting enabled, in which case no word filters are effective for that user.
So it's either "All on" or "All off" depending on group membership.
This resource provides a middle ground and allows you to apply each word filter on a group basis. This can be done either via:
the normal location in System -> Settings -> Posting -> Word Filters the "Configured word filters" page provided by this application. The word filters applied to a user will be those that are configured for:
all groups the primary group they are a member of any secondary groups they are a member of (a setting is available to turn this off or on) Note: after installation, a background queue task will process your existing word filters - once that task has run, functionality to allow you to set group permissions will be available.